Panchabhootam is a unique theatrical production that brings together Indian music and Classical dance, accentuated by stunning mutimedia visuals, depicting the five elements of nature - Earth, Air, Water, Space and Fire. It was performed to a house full audience at the Roswell Cultural Arts Center in Atlanta. The original music score deftly journeyed through Carnatic, Hindustani, Western harmony to orchestral rendition and was performed by a 15 member Indian Choir (ICE - Indian Choir and Ensemble) .
The dance was choreographed keeping intact all the nuances of Bharatanatyam, a classical dance art form from the southern part of India. Panchabhootam was a blazing success and got a standing ovation from over 600 people, who attended the show. All the proceeds from the show were dedicated to OSAAT - One School At A Time, a non profit organization, that provides education to the underprivileged children in India.
The dance was choreographed keeping intact all the nuances of Bharatanatyam, a classical dance art form from the southern part of India. Panchabhootam was a blazing success and got a standing ovation from over 600 people, who attended the show. All the proceeds from the show were dedicated to OSAAT - One School At A Time, a non profit organization, that provides education to the underprivileged children in India.